Do I Need to Replace My Air Handler After an HVAC Tune Up in Florida?

The Department of Energy recommends replacing an HVAC system every 10-15 years. Learn when it's necessary to repair or replace an air handler after an HVAC tune up in Florida.

Do I Need to Replace My Air Handler After an HVAC Tune Up in Florida?

The Department of Energy recommends that homeowners replace their HVAC system every 10 to 15 years. It is essential to know when to repair or replace the air controller, one of the most important components of an air conditioning system. It is usually located inside the house and is responsible for moving cold (or hot) air around the house. It houses the fan motor, evaporator coil and air filter.

If the air flow out of the vents seems weaker than normal or varies throughout the day, it could indicate that the fan motor on your air controller is out of order. A fan that isn't working properly can increase wear and tear on your air controller and cause it to crack and leak as well. Dirt and debris can also cause the engine to strain and malfunction. If this is the case, you can hire a certified HVAC technician to clean or repair the engine for you. That said, if your engine is still malfunctioning, it may be necessary to replace your air controller.

Have you noticed ice forming on their air controller? This could mean you have a clogged air filter or even dirty evaporator coils. That's why it's crucial to keep up with basic air conditioning maintenance. However, a frozen air controller could also indicate that there is a refrigerant leak somewhere in the air conditioning system. Not only will this cause your unit to freeze, but depending on the location of the leak, it could expose you and your family to toxic chemicals. If you suspect that you may have a refrigerant leak, it could be a sign that your air controller needs to be replaced.

It's almost a fact that your energy bills are likely to fluctuate as the seasons change, but if your energy consumption is dramatically higher than usual, it could point to a bigger HVAC problem. When your heating and cooling systems start to age, they need to work harder to maintain the temperature in your home. To avoid unwanted spikes in your monthly bills, it's essential to have your HVAC system checked by a certified technician at least once a year. But even if you check your system regularly, a malfunction of the air treatment system could result in a dizzying monthly bill. Do you know how old your air conditioning system is? If not, it's worth noting.

Although heating and cooling systems are designed to withstand heavy use, their components will start to wear out after 10 years. That means evaporator coils, motor fans, and condensers could start to show signs of aging. This also means that your air controller could start to crack and develop leaks as a result of age. HVAC systems comprise several important components that can make or break the overall importance of the system. If you suspect that your system is malfunctioning due to a broken oven or air conditioner (or any other component), it might be tempting to replace the component in question.

After all, why spend extra money if you don't have to? However, in most cases, it's probably best to replace the entire system when a component needs to be replaced. Although it may be cheaper to replace just a specific part of the system, you'll likely have to replace another part soon after and end up spending more in the long run. However, recognizing the specific problems associated with your system can make diagnosing HVAC problems much easier. So what's the best HVAC tune-up schedule? We recommend scheduling air conditioning maintenance at least once a year. That includes an inspection of both your central air conditioning system and the furnace. Unfortunately, yes, you must replace the air controller and condenser at the same time if one or the other fails.

When you buy a new HVAC system, efficiency ratings are based on compatible equipment. So, for example, if you bought a condenser with a 17-point SEER rating for its energy efficiency, you won't get the expected performance without the corresponding air controller. While it may seem unnecessary to have to replace both if one or the other still works, the fact is that combined systems work better. The air controllers and condensers are designed to work together with the corresponding units for maximum efficiency and optimal performance. While having the city inspect your new air conditioning system seems to do everything possible, in reality, the process of municipal building inspections ensures that you and your city comply with state, federal, and local building codes. More importantly, the inspections ensure that the project was carried out correctly.

An experienced HVAC installer will know how to comply with city inspection regulations and will be happy to complete all of the documentation for you. While some HVAC contractors don't get permits because they save them time and money, many also worry that their work won't stand up to scrutiny. A municipal inspection of all HVAC installations keeps everyone safe, and making sure that Paschal's experienced professionals install your new HVAC system will make the inspection quick and easy.

Kristen Tacopino
Kristen Tacopino

Certified gamer. General internet maven. Internet evangelist. Subtly charming internet scholar. Lifelong web nerd. Wannabe bacon buff.

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